Cooking General

The Worth of a Jar of Home Made Soup

Basket of Vegetables

Turn those end of summer vegetables into a something of great Worth, Home Made soup. As I was growing up I often heard the phrase “Waste not want not.” The summer was always full of canning and freezing the loads of produce from the garden. End of season meant little bits of corn, tomatoes and other products that were were more than a meal worth, but not enough to process. So what do you do? Don’t waste it, make soup. Can it up in quart jars and store for those cold winter days ahead. One bowl of hot steamy soup along with some fresh out of the oven cornbread and all that work is well worth it.

Chicken Rice soup hot out of the pressure canner

I have learned that there is more worth to those jars of Home Made soup than just my own dinner table. We live on a small country farm, we have to watch the finances carefully. Fortunately we have friends. These guys will come and help when we run into a problem larger then we can handle ourselves. These good friends work with us on projects without the expectation of payment. But herein lies the value of those jars of soup it is called bartering. Not one of our helpful friends has turned down a jar or two of home made soup.

Now when I look at that shelf with jars of soup: Vegetable Beef, Potato Onion and Chicken and Brown rice. I see not only food but barter power. Those helpful friends are more likely to come and help again just to get another jar of tasty Home Made Soup.

Jars of Home Made soup lined up on a shelf.