
New Beginnings!

Summer is winding down in the Ozark hills, a few brown leaves are falling from the trees. It is time to start something new, something that I have been thinking of doing for a while now, writing for all the world to see. Pretty exciting!!

I will be talking about many things as this new adventure unfolds. My Maryan’s Kitchen Facebook followers will be able to learn how to bake many of the goodies I had pictured online and sold at the local Central Ozarks Farmers and Artisans Market. Baking and cooking provide me with much joy, I hope to pass that on to my readers.

Gardening, both flower and vegetable, are hobbies that I love. Some of my friends have encouraged me to write a book about how to successfully grow a garden in this rocky, clay area we live in. Passing on some of my hard learned knowledge may save someone out there from giving up on the joy of watching the seeds turn into flowers and/or food.

A very special gardening project that will be featured in the future is my water garden. Many hours of pick and shovel digging, moving rocks and fixing leaks have given way to a constantly morphing, very active water habitat for the local wildlife. Sitting on the porch listening to the frogs and watching the birds and butterflies enjoy the water and flowers is so worth the hard work!!

Crafting and sewing are hobbies that fill the cold winter hours. I plan to share some of my favorite creations and how they are done with my readers. I have found that home made Christmas gifts are often cherished much more than the “anyone can buy” items that our eyes are bombarded with every shopping trip.

At my house the kitchen is where it all begins. So I decided to call this Maryan’s Kitchen Adventures. The adventures will take often take us out of the kitchen, but we will always come back. Thank you for visiting my page. Please leave me a comment or two about what you would like to see first. Tell me about your interests. I am looking forward to making many new friends through cyber space.

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