Cooking General

The Worth of a Jar of Home Made Soup

Turn those end of summer vegetables into a something of great Worth, Home Made soup. As I was growing up I often heard the phrase “Waste not want not.” The summer was always full of canning and freezing the loads of produce from the garden. End of season meant little bits of corn, tomatoes and […]


Starting Over or Cleaning Up?

The year 2020. Do you consider it the end of the decade or the beginning of a new one? An even bigger question is: Are you ending bad habits from the old decade/year and beginning new good habits in the new decade/year? Whatever your answer to those questions may be, I would like to encourage […]


New Beginnings!

Summer is winding down in the Ozark hills, a few brown leaves are falling from the trees. It is time to start something new, something that I have been thinking of doing for a while now, writing for all the world to see. Pretty exciting!! I will be talking about many things as this new […]