
Maryan’s Kitchen Adventures

Where you will find Country Living in the Ozarks at its best.

Maryan’s Kitchen Adventures will visit Ozark Country Living. Somehow it seems that it all starts and stops in the kitchen. Gardens, cooking and baking, feeding and caring for the animals, even crafting all revolve around the kitchen. Come along and enjoy our trips through the Ozark Country Life.

Basket of Fresh Garden Vegetables
Ozark Living fresh from the garden.

Kitchen Adventures Start in the Garden

Learn about the joys of gardening, both flower and vegetable. Without the wonderful vegetables from the garden we would not have much to do in the kitchen. You will find gardening tips as well as recipes.

Baking is the heart of My Kitchen

Homemade Brownies are best
Rasberry topped brownie, the perfect dessert.

I love to bake breads, cookies and other delightful treats. I will share some of my favorite recipes along the way. You can have your own kitchen adventure creating a taste of the Country Life with home made goodness for your family. Each recipe will be accompanied with tips that have been helpful for me.

Ozark Country Living with Animals

brown Rooster head

Country Living usually involves farm animals. We will learn some of the fun involved caring for the silly backyard chickens and the other four and two legged friends on the farm. These critters bring joy and sometimes frustration. Having healthy hens provides delicious fresh eggs for the kitchen, and they leave great amendments for the garden.

Crafting Adventures

Sewing, Crocheting and other types of Crafting are things that are well known in the Ozarks. We can often use things collected from nature around the farm. Dried flowers, leftover wood from building projects old baskets maybe even rocks, can be used to create pretty and useful items to enjoy. During the winter months I seem to find more time to work on these hobbies.

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